While blue is also a strong RGB primary, this is a color that is visually more soothing than yellow or red. The ancient Israelites fixed a permanent blue dye with the help of a mollusk. Both indigo blue and woad blue are formulated to fade away. The woad plant was used by the ancient Scots to dye their faces. One ancient blue dye came from the Indigo plant and was commonly used in the land of India. RGB Code: 255, 255, 0 HEX Code: #FFFF00 Blue Yellow is also high on the contrast scale though it has only one 0 in the RGB code, the other two numbers are maxed. In decorative glassware of the early 20th century, the yellow uranium glass may still be radioactive enough to glow under a blacklight. In ancient art techniques, the yellow tones found in pottery glazes, stained glass and paint often come from urine. Yellow is a common dye color, though most natural yellow dyes fade to lemon or cream.

It’s a bold color that contrasts both with other primary colors and may overpower other colors that you pair it with. Red is one of the few RGB code colors that contains two O’s. Some plants did, but cochineal dye was the first consistent red. Proper dye saturates the fibers of the fabric weave and stays there. A common challenge for those trying to turn fabric the richest colors of red was fixing the dye into the fabric.

The red cochineal dye pulled from insects that live on the nopal cactus is both vibrant and stable. Curiously, while red dye from plants was not uncommon, the royal red shades came from insects.
#Primary secondary colors how to#
Colors in CSS - How to use color properties in CSS - Frontend Development Course Tutorial 16 Primary Colors Red